Friday, November 27, 2020

We Need a Shadow Future Government

When Obama left office he didn't leave town but started working for a Future Government but also maintained an alternate government that tried to Overthrow President Trump. I am not suggesting that we attempt to toss Biden as then we get that trash Harris but we need to marshal our people and build a coalition of voters to win the House and State Houses that may be coming up in 2022. This starts at home and with family. I have family members who voted for old Joe and they believed all he said and many never knew about his kid "Hunter" and the crap he did along with Joe's brother.  

For far to many years we have stepped back after election and wanted until a year before the next one and then started to get the sound patrol built up and soliciting funds to get new conservatitive member running and elected.

We need to broadcast everything we can find about this group running the office and get the word out. The media will do all it can to protect the chosen one Bide no matter how bad it gets. 

We need to push Facebook, Twitter, Google and any other site that prevents free speech by trying to overload their sites as often as we can so they have to delate, edit, cut us off, remove our post and when they do, start a new one. Mainly it is Facebook and Twitter that edit free speech and they both need tone broken up like the Bells and Standard Oil was. We have millions of people who use these sites and we need to pick days and try overwhelm their systems if we can. Any great hackers out there who believe in free speech?

Go to Parler where speech is free still and boycott the others except on days to bomb them with posts they will try to remove. Tie up their computer power doing this nonsense. We need to organize to make it effective.

As far as the media, It will impossible to boycott their networks as we do not have a lot of choices but more streaming sites are coming. Now I understand even streaming site will have commercials but you can get out by paying a fee. What we can do is BOYCOTT ALL THEIR NEWS STATIONS WHICH AFFECT THEIR ADVERTISING RATES. Let's hurt them in the pocketbook.  

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...