Sunday, November 29, 2020

Did Biden Win By Cheating, Read and you Decide

In 2008, Obama who had one of the most enthusiastic campaigns in history with the biggest ground game ever established in any election, being the first black candidate had a landslide victory with 69,498,516 votes. Trump with huge enthusiasm and a huge ground game garners more votes than Obama’s landslide victory, is now sitting at 70,812,515. In 2016 Trump had 62,984,828 votes. He has almost 8 million more votes than in 2016 and is losing. Biden with no real campaign and apathetic support so far has 75,215,431 votes, far surpassing Obama by almost 7 million votes, Biden has more votes than any president in history, and consider this, Biden has more black votes than Obama got in either of his elections…I am calling BULL…Sh.!

The big blue wave? Republicans Won 28 of 29 the most competitive house seats, added 3 state legislatures, did not lose a single house race – but Trump loses. (See next paragraph)   

So far 450,000 ballots have been identified that miraculously ONLY have a vote for Joe Biden, voting for a candidate without any down ballot voting rarely happens and is highly improbable. Some examples so far:  Pennsylvania - 98,000, Georgia - 90,000, Arizona - 42,000, Michigan - 115,000 and Wisconsin - 62,836

The Biden math is not just statistically improbable, it is statistically impossible. In Wisconsin, the voter turnout annihilated the voter record of 60% by almost 30% polling. The odds of this occurring are 0.00000189%” or 1 in 52 million.
 If 60% of the registered voters in any given election year vote, that is excellent turnout, many Democrat cities and counties in battleground states are showing 90% - 200% voter turnout!!

 There was an over 1,700% increase in voter registration in voters over 90 years old in Pennsylvania with nearly 90% voting- again highly unlikely and statistically improbable. There are approx 1600-2000 people in the entire state of Michigan over the age of 100 - they have recorded on their voter rolls over 20,000 voters over the age of 100 in the Detroit area alone. 


They are finding tens of thousands of dead people on the voter registers/rolls who were sent ballots in many states, and it appears some of them voted. The dead and really old people showed up for Biden this election.

Why did most states, many with bigger populations than the battleground Democrat states, have all their ballots counted election night, but the most important Democrat battleground states are still counting with numerous ongoing irregularities? 


How has EVERY inconsistency, anomaly, irregularity, late counted vote, and “software glitch”favored Biden? 


Another absolute statistical improbability. “Software glitches” that ONLY benefit Biden." All the battleground Democrat states simultaneously stopped counting ballots when Trump was way ahead on election night.  


Miraculously in the morning,  and days after, hundreds of thousands of ballots appear, almost 100% for Biden. Election night, Trump was ahead almost 700 million votes in Pennsylvania, since then almost 1 million extra votes were “found” in Pennsylvania and almost every one was for Biden – another statistical improbability. This has happened in almost every battleground state Trump was leading on election night. 

These are only exit polls but it appears Trump outperformed in every single demographic including getting more of the black vote then any other president, around 18%,and even with suburban housewives where he was supposed to fail miserably, around 56% voted for Trump.

If the voting was honest, and all of the ballots were legitimate, no tampering and no destruction of ballots, why would the Democrats not want complete transparency to prove it was an honest and fair election?  Why did this primarily happen in the key Democrat run battleground states? Anyone with a scintilla of common sense knows major coordinated VOTER FRAUD is going on – nothing adds up or makes any sense.    

The media does not decide elections, however they have called the election for Biden with many open investigations, lawsuits being filed, and probable recounts in more than one state. This was a coordinated effort to squelch and demoralize any hope for Trump and his supporters, and to derail the slew of additional lawsuits that will be filed next week. This is purely psychological     warfare.           


We are witnessing one of the biggest coups in the history of the world, not by the military or armed rebels, we are seeing an electronic and paper coup, a coup involving a coordinated effort by the most corrupt political party on earth with help from the deep state and a fully complicit and compromised mainstream media. This is a coup of our minds, our souls, and the heart of America, perpetrated by the most UNETHICAL POLITICAL PARTY in the history of America – the DEMOCRATS. 


If this coup succeeds, the America we love and know will be unrecognizable and destroyed for generations. 


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...