Wednesday, November 4, 2020

If this OLD mental Midget Biden is the winner, America is Gone

 It will only be a few months before we have President Harris as dear OLD Joe is not up to the job and will take this country in a direction our founding father would never understand today. I can only hope the ballets are counted correctly and as the number of votes cast in Wisconsin are great then the registered voters so it is great sadness we have become that banana republic I have written about. Voting in this country has become a joke and so long as we don't have to verify who the hell is voting, we are a THIRD RATE COUNTY.

This is not the first time someone won with disputed votes (known as dead people) as Kennedy did win he defeated Nixon. We all knew that Chicago was counting dead people and that is why the votes came in so very late but Nixon believed the country couldn't take a challenge to the process and didn't fight. I only hope President Trump fights and demands a accurate recount and if not, I don't have a president as Biden would not have won and is fraud.

I only hope we have the senate and can stop the liberal spending and bring some type of order to this screwed up country. After two years of watching this country under a progressive administration and the screwed up job they are going to do, we can maybe VOTE THE SOCIALISTS OUT in 2022. Remember folks, if you voted for this it is on you as to what happens. Watch our country sink faster the the Titanic.

For Biden, Harris, Sanders, and the other liberal trash who is f-king up our once great country, piss off.

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