Sunday, November 8, 2020

I have Taken Time before Blowing UP

I have taken time to assess what has happened based on what has been said on TV, the Net, and various sites. My feeling is the election of Biden is a big question. Some local reports show more votes in a state than registered voters. I would call the fraud but I am not a lawyer. I have also been reading and hearing about software that can flip voters and it has been used in a number of states and proven. Mystery ballets appearing late at night and that appears to make more questions that need to be answered. 

I can not and will not based on the above accept Biden as the president but a phony who got in by liberals once again cheating. I say once again as I have mentioned before, Nixon got beat by a bunch of DEAD VOTERS in Chicago and here we go again.

It is very interesting how the media buried the Biden Family scandal and moved right on to help this crook get elected. When I say the media, I am including Fox News as just another liberal network now. It started changing when they hired Donna who leaked questions to Hillary for a debate. I have now moved on to another more fair and balanced network that try to be objective on both sides. Will see how long this last. Biden and the crime family he and crack son ran would put most of us in jail. Not good old Joe, he just passes himself off as Just One of the Guys, crap, he is a crook.

It shouldn't be long before we see President Harris and the radical left will destroy what is left of this once great country. Joie doesn't have the brain power to stay there long and everyone knows. 

Boycott FOX and get organized for 2022 and vote out the liberal socialists who are bent on destroying the reminder of this country if anything is left. Donate to keep the senate and then have Mitch build a wall to anything getting done just as that bitch Pelosi has did.

The piece of crap Combs has the courage to tell us we all need to work together, I wouldn't piss on him if on fire. This asshole did his best to destroy President Trump so when this asshole says work together, I can feel good about telling him to F-OFF. 

With the head ass (Biden) now there watch his banker (China) to once again control what they are willing to do and the empty head will bend over without a reach around as they say. Get ready America, There isn't enough KY to go around for all the Americans who are going to need it from their government.

The below symbol is how I feel about Biden, Harris, AOC and the turds, Schumer and the head ass, Pelosi.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...