Saturday, November 21, 2020

Fox News Has Joined the Liars

 After hearing the crap from Tucker and Sidney, I go with Sidney as she is much more believable then Carlson. He is after ratings and after watching/hearing what Fox has been doing, they are more liberal now than ever before. Fox has become just another low life lying news organization and no longer watching.

Very sad as at one time they were fair and so called balanced, not now. How can anyone watch Fox and not think of the Swamp as they are now part of it.

Yahoo, Google, Twitter, Facebook, along with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and so many others provide inaccurate information. They do it to brainwash We the People and if any of you remember Pavlov's dog fro school, if it is said enough, if must be true, BULLSHIT. It just makes the liars more believable and so many people are as Rush has said, Low Information Voters. What chance does the average American stand to find the truth. 

You better wake up people as our once great country is almost gone and if this continues where our liberty and freedom is taken, violence will most surely happen. Be ready, be armed if needed and I think it will be, freedom will have to be fought for once again.

AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Warren, Sanders and so many others want to control what we say, what we buy, how we live and so much more, free America lies and Fox News HAS JINED THAT SIDE. 

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...