Saturday, November 14, 2020

For All the Asshole Americans who Voted for Biden

 I just watched the movie 13 Hours again about the men/women who were there and told by the people who were there. This is not the crap Susan Rice lied about to the American People or the crap coming of Hillary the bitch's mouth when she said "What does it Matter Now". You dumb ass Americans can only expect the same from Biden as if you remember, this bitch of a so called man was VP at the time. 

Let us pray President Trump wins the recounts and we don't have to live in fear of what the liberals will do once again to our military. Many of you don't remember hearing about our soldiers in Vietnam having to count the bullets. Johnson and McNamara were in charge with the same crap now coming with Biden and other libs if he gets in. 

Watching the 13 hours again made me sick that Hillary, Rice and the rest of the trash just didn't give a damn about the men or what happened. Think how Stevens wife must have felt knowing her dead husband was raped and dragged through the streets while the Liberal administration lied about all of this. I can only hope they pay a great price for what they didn't do to save those heroes in Libya. 

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...