Monday, December 21, 2020


After listening to the radio Sunday and learning more about some in the Senate I have decided I can no l longer vote or support any existing person. I heard that the senate majority (McConnell) leaders family have ties to a shipping company that is in bed with China from them building their ships to workers on the ships being trained in China. It would be enlightening to find out how many others in Washington are making money from doing business with China or a Chinese company. 

McConnell is no better than Biden and probably many others. It is to the point after listening to this Sunday and how many others are involved that the SWAMP must be drained as President Trump said. Not sure how without a revolution of some sort. President Trump tried but the Swamp got him and a rigged election removed him.  

It is now easier to understand how so many go into Washington middle class and come our very very rich. WE THE PEOPLE are getting screwed everyday by this crooked government and we can't do damn thing about it. Sooner or later the people will begin to take back our country and it could get very very ugly.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...