Friday, December 11, 2020

They are Erasing History

Listening today to the radio I heard some outlets will no longer have any info from the debates and challenges to the election. I believe that is called selective removal of history. The videos of the Russian hearings and impeachment will continue to be on YouTube, Google, Facebook but not the election.  

I have tried very hard not to use Facebook, YouTube and Google with much success as they are very liberal and many times will not cover the truth. Sometime I feel like the X-Files and what they use to say, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE. It is out there but no one in the liberal media want to hear it of cover it.

Thursday I was listening to Ruch for a bit and he was speaking about ABC, NBC and the rest but was making a terrible mistake in what he called them. Sorry Rush but they ARE NOT A NEWS ORGANIZATION but liberal talking heads. They wouldn't know honesty or fair news reporting if it crawled up their collective pants. The only person getting into panties is Morning Joe and his Squeeze. The man (so called) was once a Republican and went to the dark side for a women. We can all guess why. Very sad as he sold his soul for a so-so ass.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...