Friday, December 18, 2020

Hard to understand

 Every election is the same and now with GA going to a run off it comes to mind again. Each party is dumping millions into winning the elections and the people of Georgia must be just plain to damn stupid if they are swayed by money which the idiots on the so-called supreme count said was "Free Speech". I still haven't gotten over that as I have never witnessed money talking unless you pay some to say something. Most of the time paying someone to talk means they are usually lying for you  and allows you to claim that person mis-spoke. 

If the people are dumb enough to vote to give up the right to bear arms, request an HONEST election where dead people are not allowed to vote, state constitutions are followed and some ass judge doesn't overrule the constitution (not allowed but happened), vote for the liberal and never complain that your freedoms have been taken. I would just tell you that you voted for it and now shut the "F" up. 

We will learn if GA is a conservative state or has gone to the dark side and surrendered their freedoms to the federal government. If you do, stack your guns near the front door as they will be coming to get them. I remember a women in TX who said if they tried too she would give them one bullet at a time. Like that lady.

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