Monday, December 28, 2020

Short and to the Point

So many republican senators and congressman now bad mouth President Trump on his way out because he delayed signing the covid-19 bill. To all those jerks who voted for all the PORK IN THE BILL, Piss off. I can only hope when you run for re-election you all lose and if that means a liberal gets in, so be it as there is NO difference between you and them.

The republicans who voted for the pork should never be back in office and I will NEVER help again with dollars or any kind of support. 

Most normal people know this country is on its way to BANKRUPTCY and just a matter of time. This will happen after I have passed and only feel sorry for my family member as they will have to deal with this crap.

Only Washington can spend dollars they don't have, pass laws they don't have to follow and get a pension after two years. Lets see how that compares to us, we spend only what we make, we have to follow laws a bunch of crooked congressman/senators pass, and no pension as SS is a f-ing joke.

Yep, that is our government.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...