Monday, December 21, 2020


This is an emergency!  As I’m sure you’ve seen, Fox News is turning its back on the TRUTH. 


Every day they sound more and more like MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the fake-news media.


And it’s all because the new leadership at Fox News is bowing to the baseless attacks from the radical Left -- 


It’s been awful to watch them surrender to the lies of the radical Left.


I’m sure you were just as disgusted as I was on election night when they called Arizona for Biden -- more than a week before CNN and MSNBC!!


Then a few days later they cut away from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s press conference about voter fraud and said: “I can't in good countenance continue showing this."


It’s awful.  It’s disgusting.  It’s fake-news at its worst...


And it’s only a matter of time until they fire or censor the great remaining hosts like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham...



Only together can we let the new leadership know that we will turn them off if they become another fake-news station.


Unfortunately, this didn’t just start -- it’s just gotten worse.


The Freedom Center’s own Robert Spencer was supposed to appear on Judge Jeanine Pirro’s great show to discuss Muslim Extremism and Jihad...


But the higher-ups at the network abruptly cancelled his appearance.


Why did they cancel him?


Apparently, they now believe that talking about the dangers of Muslim Jihad is “too extreme.”


And don’t just take my word for it... 


President Trump said that “The New Fox News is letting millions of GREAT people down.”


He also said, “There’s something going on at Fox, and I tell you I’m not happy with it.”


As you probably know, the radical Left has been waging a war for years to try and destroy Fox News.


At first they tried -- and failed -- to get cable providers to drop Fox News.


Then they went after the companies that advertise on Fox News.


But now, instead of fighting back -- the new leadership is surrendering.


Even before Election day, we’ve seen conservatives being suspended, silenced and fired while radical Democrats like former DNC Chair and Al Gore’s Campaign Manager Donna Brazile are hired.


The new leadership has turned its back on the truth and they’re quickly becoming another fake-news station...


Well, we don’t need any more of the pathetic “journalism” we get from CNN and MSNBC!


And only together can we stop it. 



We cannot sit back.  We cannot wait.  We cannot allow them to just turn it into a fake-news station!


We have to let the new executives know that you and I are the ones who made it the most watched and powerful station on television...


And if they continue to turn their backs on the truth and become another fake-news outlet like CNN and MSNBC -- we will leave.


And that’s exactly what our massive Stop the Liberals at Fox News Campaign is doing.  We have massive Petition and Survey campaigns going right now...



And if you can give more today -- say $250 or $500 -- I will be able to ramp up our Stop the Liberals at Fox News Campaign even more quickly...


As one of the few sources of truth in the media we cannot afford to lose this battle -- 


Do not allow the new executives to destroy Fox News and turn it into another fake-news station like CNN or MSNBC. 

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...