Sunday, December 13, 2020


I have just finished watching the remake of the movie “MIDWAY” and it showed the courage of the American Pilot, American Sailor, AMERICAN PEOPLE and all service branches of our Armed Forces. It reminded me how great America once was when we had people who believed in Honor, Courage, Loyalty, Honesty, and above all else, America.


It is with great sadness that we no longer have those traits within our elected leaders but these men/women who care more about enriching themselves instead of doing what is right. Kindness, honesty, truthful expression of values, and so much more are now gone. Now we have leaders only want to enrich themselves at the expense of every ideal that built this once great country.  American was an idea founded by men with flaws but men who know what was right for ALL. Now those men who wrote the Constitution are being called terrible names, statues destroyed and the people doing so have little to no knowledge of history. 


My time is winding down and I feel sorry those left behind as the America I grew up with and remember the great men who died to keep America free. I saw men land on the moon, great advances in medicine, construction and so many things to make the America great for all. We still have our flaws as all countries do and yet many want to take America in the Communists direction where the government tells us how to live, where to live, what to eat and it is getting worse. The Government should be in FEAR of the people as this is OUR country not a select few who tell us what to do. Those in government better be careful as We the People will only put up with only so much. 


There is so much corruption in Washington from the Slush Fund that congress set up (WITH OUR MONEY) to pay off men/women who were sexuality assaulted by members. They USED OUR TAX MONEY to buy their silence and then the so-called news buried it. This is now our government. 


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...