Monday, October 27, 2008

Schumer the Idiot

This idiot just called Obama a "Moderate" and had a great economic record. Obama has the most liberal record in the Senate, more liberal then Schumer, Hillary, Dodd, or anyone else in the Senate. What record? He has been running for president for three years and has done nothing to help this country. These people can even lie with a straight face. All they do is spin and distort the truth even when we can see and hear the Messiah on video.

For the Americans who vote for this Socialist, you will get what you deserve but so will the rest of us. I pray that the silent majority will wake the hell up and stop this man before he destroys our country and it gets real ugly.

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Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitl...