Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama the Marxist - Redistribution of Wealth

Communism, do any of you remember the word or how about being a Marxist? Brings Obama to mind doesn't it? This is the man who wants to be president of our country and them redistribute money earned by you and give it to people that don't have as much. Redistribution of wealth is one of Karl Marx's teachings if I remember correctly. Some call it Socialism but it is basically the same.

Our parents and grandparents fought communism and many died to protect our country from becoming communists. Did they die for nothing as we are about to hand over the reins to people like Obama, Pelosi, Dodd and so many others who believe like Obama that we should give OUR hard earned money to people that don't have as much. I believe charities are for that and yes, I donate.

Every time I hear this I choke as I came from living in my car at one time to be the owner of an Engineering firm. I received no help from anyone but myself. I got off my ass and worked to be successful. My friends didn't give me money as it was theirs not mine. They worked for it, not me.

Obama is a FRAUD and America needs to wake the HELL UP as it is very scary to think of this man running our country. Sorry about the language but enough is enough. People need to find out who he is, check his past record, check his past, and that will change the vote to Sarah and John. Sarah will be an excellent VP and as an average American she can relate to us. McCain has been in the trenches and is willing to go there again to fight for America. Obama doesn't care about America the free as he wants America the Socialist Country. The man wasn't even born in the US and will not produce a birth certificate to verify he should be allowed to run. All he supplies are reprinted ones and we all know what a computer and printer can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was born in Kenya not Hawaii as he claims. Check it our, no record of his birth in Hawaii.

Our freedoms are disappearing and big government is the cause. Remember, one of our states has "Live Free or Die" on their license plate. That is more then just a saying, that is what Americans believe.


epic60sman said...

Socialism = Government ownership of the means of production and distribtion. The government putting up 18 Billion to buy shares of troubled banks is a Socialist action. Every Administration and most all Presidential candidates have espoused changes in the tax code. To suggest the need to change rate structure is appropriate. Keep in mind that the President can not effect changes without support of Congress. Giving the working class a better share of the pie has been the Democrats theme song for decades just as deregulation and lowering Capital Gains taxes have been part of the Republican platform.
This type of name calling and mudslinging is becoming popular now because you Republicans know that you have already lost control of the government for the next four years or more. I never remember seeing any such name calling from Democrats, when it was evident that they would lose the Presidency.

D. Walker said...

You are right that the President can not effect changes. Being no fan of President Bush or the Democrats I do have to admit Congress has spent us into a great more debt over the last two years. Since they were voted in two years ago everything went to hell. I thank Barney, Chris, and Obama plus others for Fannie and Freddie. I believe it was Chuck Hagle (R) who wrote a bill trying to rein in the problems at those two companies but the leaders of the Democrat party would not support it. Republicans and Democrats were lobbied not to support the bill and it worked. Who received more money from Freddie and Fannie? Democrats did and I believe Obama was in the top 3 along with Kerry, Clinton and Dodd.

I AM the working class and I don't want someone else to support me. Taking money from one class to give to another for doing nothing is against everything we learned in school those many years ago.

I didn't support the bailout as the companies that made loans to people who could not verify their income. The money used for this is not the governments, it is YOURS, it is MINE, and it should not have been used to bail out bad loans to people who should never have had one. This nonsense can be traced to the Carter administration but that is another story.

When the Democrats lost control they went nuts. If I remember correctly, 1996 the repulicans took control of congress and the dems. fought everyway they could to disrupt. When Bush was elected it only got worse. Democrats were name calling during the election between Gore/Bush so this is not new.

You need to remember the Democrats and Republicans don't care about "We the People". Whenever I write my elected reps. I always tell them to watch the Movie "Dave" so they understand what their job is.

Maybe someday they will understand they work for us and the money they spend is not theirs. Voting age citizens were polled and Over 38% believed the government had its own money. That means those people should not be allowed to vote until they understand government as they have no clue what the hell they are doing.

Thank you for your thoughts.

D. Walker said...

Maybe I was wrong mentioning Socialism as Obama spent a great deal of time with "Frank" as he stated in his own book. The paragraph below says more then I could.

The warning signs have always been there. In his book Dreams from my Father Obama writes of a relationship he had in is late teens with someone named "Frank." For some reason Obama doesn't include his last name. Obama refers to Frank as "a poet" who was full of "hard-earned knowledge." He also says that Frank had "some modest notoriety once." Yeah, I'll say. Frank was Frank Marshall Davis was a member of the CPUSA. For those of you who don't like acronyms, that's Communist Party of the United States of America. Frank Marshall Davis ... some mentor, don't you think?

I want to Thank the writer for this information and it can also be found in various books about Obama.

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