Monday, October 6, 2008

Bush and The Education Mess

I voted for President Bush and shortly after I was disgusted with his Education flip flop. If I remember he was going to close the education department and send the funds back to the states. Pipe dream as he joined with Ted Kennedy and enlarged that department that does nothing but fail our children. We spend more for education and have very little to show for it. Our problem is not for lack of spending, but lack of classroom control. In education the inmates have taken control and we the adults have given our children free rein over the teacher.

Maybe my age is showing but when I was in School (elementary) my teacher was allowed to hand out corporal punishment if required. Our parents weren't afraid to have the teacher paddle our fanny if needed and it was always done in the presence of two teachers. I had two teachers paddle my fanny and I still remember them as very caring people and two of my favorite teachers.

Until the teacher is allowed to control the classroom, nothing will change. More money will be wasted, more teachers will leave the profession and education will fail.

I blame the parents for not supporting the teachers and allowing their little darlings to push the teachers around. Parents need to take responsibility for THEIR actions and THEIR failure to raise their children. They let the TV, the maid, the nanny, or whatever raise them.

Parents, get off your ass and pay attention to the children.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't expect you to post this comment. But I hope you will look at the links I've provided.

Paddling injuries:

(Studies show significantly more fatal school shootings took place in states that allow corporal punishment in schools.

The decline of paddling in U.S. public schools is correlated with a decline in violence against teachers.

Non-paddling states have higher ACT scores and higher graduation rates.

Eight of the top ten paddling states are in the top ten states with the highest incarceration rates.

See study at: )

Here's a list of pediatric organizations that oppose corporal punishment.

* American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
* American Academy of Family Physicians
* American Academy of Pediatrics
* American Counseling Association
* American of School Administrators
* American Bar Association
* American Civil Liberties Union
* American Humane Association
* American Humanist Association
* American Medical Association
* American Orthopsychiatric Association
* American Psychiatric Association
* American Psychological Association
* American Public Health Association
* American School Counselor Association
* Association for Childhood Education International
* Association of Junior Leagues
* Council for Exceptional Children
* Defense for Children International
* Friends Committee on Legislation
* International Society for the Study of Dissociation
* National Association for State Departments of Education
* National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
* National Association for the Education of Young Children
* National Association of Elementary School Principals
* National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
* National Association of School Nurses
* National Association of School Psychologists
* National Association of Social Workers
* National Association for State Boards of Education
* National Council of Teachers of English
* National Education Association
* National Foster Parents Association
* National Indian Education Association
* National Mental Health Association
* National Organization for Women
* National Parent Teachers Association
* National Women's Political Caucus
* Prevent Child Abuse America
* Society for Adolescent Medicine
* Unitarian Universalist General Assembly
* United Methodist Church General Assembly
* U.S. Department of Defense: Office of Dependents Schools Overseas
* Attachment Parenting International

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