Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mahoney the Cheat

Lies, Lies and more lies from Rep Mahoney's lips. Here is a man that can't keep his pants zipped and America feels very badly for his wife and daughter. Pelosi and the democrats tried to keep this quiet but couldn't. Pelosi the Queen doesn't believe in integrity or honesty and she shows it daily. She has been the worst speaker and most partisan speaker that I can remember. America will survive her but the damage she will have done will be major.

After hearing the tapes on Rush, does anyone think this clown is innocent? Then he has a news conference where he drags his wife out to humiliate her and try to save his job. If this had been a republican Nancy the queen would have been demanding his job and an investigation. Notice how quiet she is now.

Both parties have problems and need to clean up their act as we the people are damn tired of it. Reps. like Mahoney need to just go away and be a man. Take the responsibility for your actions as the American people are hearing the tapes of you speaking with one of the women and now another has come forward. You disgust us and all men who hold dear the vow we took when married.

You don't deserve your wife or your election to Office.

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