Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Chose Color Over Integrity

At one time I respected Colin Powell as a leader of men and a respected military man. Now he is just a person who sold out and switched their political party because of color. Yes I said color and some may say even worse. It is my understanding that Powell had been a conservative most if not all his adult life.

I call Powell a racist because he switched because of color only and not what policies Obama supports. Going from a conservative to vote for the most liberal democrat is not likely except for selling out due to color.

He's not the only former Conservative who has done this. I also understand another conservative J.C. Watts is also supporting Obama the Liberal. Two of the most conservative republicans become supporters of the most liberal democrat can only led us to believe it is for color only. Yes, this election is becoming an election on color partially and in the future I believe it will only get worse.

Please don't call me a racist also as I would have voted for Ms. Rice, and I thought J.C. Watts would have been an excellent VP if selected but now because of his support for the most liberal Senator, he should not longer be mentioned as a Republican but line up with the democrats. He decided color was more important then integrity. Mr. Steel is another man of color that I would have supported if I could have voted for him. I try to look at everyone as an American not at their color. I wasn't brought up to see color, only the person.

When I see Obama I see color as he made it an issue and reading various books about him he made color a very large thing in his life. He's like some people in the south that still have the confederate flag. America has no place for people like him or those with the confederate flag. Until blacks and whites get over what happened over 200 years ago, nothing will change.

The only person who has brought race into this election has been Obama the racist and it will only get worse if he is elected. His wife is a racist and has spoken/written about the hate for white America. A racist president and racist first lady is not what this country needs.

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