Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Wins Through Fraud - Thank you Stevens

Obama wins and we should all thank the Supreme idiot Justice Stevens. He has now allowed voter fraud to become the way elections are held in this country. I suggest we request UN Monitors at all voting stations to assure anyone can vote even Mickey Mouse. Maybe we can get another traitor to our country like Jimmy Carter to monitor the polls.

What a joke we have become as a country when our laws are so screwed up that fraud can take place during elections and the top court OKs it.

My father served in WWII and Korea as a Lt Commander in the Pacific. Many times he would tell me that sooner of later the American people would have to take up arms against our government as our freedoms are slowly being taken. That was in the 60's and since then we have only seen more freedoms taken. Being much younger I thought he was very wrong and it would never happen. Didn't believe it then but now, not sure what will happen. As my time is passing I just hope it doesn't start while I'm still here.

If the American people don't get off their butts and take our government from the liberal judges, and the part of government that wants to run everything, it will happen. What do you think Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, or Madison would say about what we have done to our liberties?

Courts and Judges were never intented to write laws, only inturpt what congress passed.

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