Wednesday, October 21, 2020

This is for the liberal Trash - This traitor should have been put in prison years ago

Jane Fonda is 'on pins and needles' ahead of Election Day: 'We have to make sure that Biden/Harris are elected'

Actress and activist Jane Fonda has already cast her vote for the 2020 presidential election, but that hasn’t stopped her from feeling like she’s on “pins and needles” ahead of Nov. 3 as she encourages people not to lose momentum before Election Day.

Jane Fonda speaks out about election day anxiety. (Photo: Getty Images)
Jane Fonda speaks out about election day anxiety. (Photo: Getty Images)

“I went to the post office with Tulea several days ago to mail my ballot,” Fonda wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. “And yesterday, having tracked it, I was told it had arrived and been counted!”

The 82-year-old also shared encouraging news about the more than 22 million Americans who have already cast their vote, putting the country on a trajectory that could lead to “a record 150 million votes may be cast and turnout rates could be higher than in any presidential election since 1908.” Positive election news, however, isn’t putting all of Fonda’s anxiety at ease as she also reflected on the overwhelming uncertainty surrounding the country amid a pandemic and a rise in crime. Still, she called on people to cast a ballot for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris in an effort to ease existing tensions.

“We have to make sure that Biden/Harris are elected and that, given some time and respite from the hate mongering and divisiveness the welcome mat will be pulled back from the militias and the selfishness and irresponsibility of the anti-maskers will be better understood,” Fonda wrote. “My belief is that if Biden wins and is brave and bold (we have to make sure he will be), he can bring enough good jobs and pay proper attention to working people in the middle of the country who have been ignored and left behind by previous elected officials (of both parties). That may be a step forward in quieting the anger that’s been erupting in places where militias exist, ease the despair that fuels the opioid pandemic and begin to address the underlying causes of police violence.”

The Staff: She was a traitor along with Ramsey Clark. Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark used poor judgment in publicly criticizing American war policies while on his fact‐finding mission to North Vietnam. For one so prominent in American governmental affairs to denounce United States actions in the capital of a nation with which this country is involved in combat was bound to detract from the humane course he hoped to advance.  He should have gone to prison with Hanoi Fonda.  

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...