Monday, October 26, 2020


I have written a limited number of times about the above as I always thought most American knew Joe would be a very short term president and whoever was the Vice President would become president shortly after the election as Joe would not be able to function for very long. 

He is a VERY old 77 or whatever he really is and it shows. People try to write off it is just "old Joe" being normal. Well, old Joe is exactly what he is, OLD JOE, and it will only get far worse. Does anyone think he can deal with other leaders around the world and remember who he is dealing with at anytime. He at times can't remember what city or state he is in.

I can still remember years ago he told a man in a wheelchair to stand up a number of times and this man was right in front of him. At times he thinks he is running for the Senate again and the most recent he mentioned running ing against Bush. Joe is only there part of the time and under the pressure of being president, who would not hold up.

Now on to items far more important then his memory is how President Trump has helped ALL Americans. Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American and white Americans. The liberals have had many of those groups votes for over 45+ years and promised so much and delivered very little. I saw for many years how Blacks and lower income groups were schuffled around and placed in housing that looked more like a prison. Trump has increased income for all of us and just liberals or not just wealthy Americans. 

If you vote for Joe it will take us back to a time the Swamp was running everything and we have all seen just a little of what they can do. If they come back again, it will destroy American and sooner of later, we will have to be armed to protect ourselves from the nut jobs on the streets. 

Store owners should not leave their property but stand and defend with weapons. Antifa or anyone from a such group comes in to loot, send them to a hospital if they survive. I for one have had enough of watching fellow American business burn or looted. Joe will allow more as he never said a damn word about the violence while it was occurring.

WE need to hold the Senate and take the house no matter what happens at the top. We MUST defend the constitution and our way of life.


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