Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Looters need to be shot and this will either end the problem or it will become a war zone. I hate to tell all, we are in a war now and until the police are allowed to use deadly force it will continue. The stores that are looted should close and NOT go back to those areas. To hell with those locations and no company that wishes to be successful will not keep watching their stores looted and burned.

If I was a store owner, I would not have a problem shooting anyone breaking into my store. Why we don't see this happening I can only assume it is because the authorities would arrest you for defending your own property. 

The police have been told "Do not Arrest" the looters in PA. What the hell is this, giving looters a free hand? Companies in those areas need to leave and not come back which means a loss of jobs, loss of a tax base and they (CITIES) deserve it for allowing looters. 

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