Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2020: A Painful Year in the U.S. History

2020 is the year when bureaucrats took away our Easter, vacations, cruises, travel, beauty salons, barber shops, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

2020 is the year when leftist America, driven to panic, fear, and misinformation by the main stream media and our own government at all levels but especially local and state governments, fundamentally transformed life for the rest of America into a socialist cesspool of corruption, lies, and lawlessness.

2020 is the year which will remain in history as the year when humanity cowered in fear and panic over a flu virus with a high spread rate but low mortality, mortality enhanced in blue states by the use of ventilators and the governors’ refusal to allow doctors to prescribe existent medication that worked.

2020 is the year when doctors became virtual puppets of the socialist healthcare system, refusing to see patients in person for fear that the government will take away their licenses if they keep their Hippocratic oath to do no harm to their patients. Fear is a powerful motivator and can make good people become cowards.

2020 is the year when philanthropist Bill Gates became the nation’s medical advisor and advocate for his vaccine that might cure Covid-19. 

2020 is the year of the first rushed vaccine. Without its miracle cure, people must remain hunkered down in their own homes and not come out until they can prove with a chip implant in their arms that they had been vaccinated.

2020 is the year when Dr. Anthony Fauci, a decades-long Washingtonian bureaucrat became the nation’s health czar, who told us that, unless we wear masks indefinitely, our lives will never go back to normal.

2020 is the year when bureaucrats took away our Easter, vacations, cruises, travel, beauty salons, barber shops, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and we agreed like the obedient sheep that we are.

2020 is the year when nursing homes locked up their long-term residents indefinitely for their own good and families were declined access. Suicides in all walks of life went up significantly.

2020 is the year when the old normal died and the “new normal” was installed by the communist left in America

2020 is the year when the old normal died and the “new normal” was installed by the communist left in America and nobody objected at all. Expensive public service announcements with sleep-inducing music reminded us of the “new normal.”

2020 is the year when thousands of paid protesters rioted in the streets of many Democrat towns and cities with no worries of Covid-19 spread, but families had to hold virtual funerals. At the same time, a criminal with a long rap sheet got a stately funeral with thousands of mourners crowded near each other.

2020 is the year when schools were closed indefinitely, and “teaching” became virtual. We are not sure yet what happens to learning, retention, the students’ eyes, and mental health.

2020 is the year when we lost our faces and our identity, covered by a permanent and obligatory face diaper without which we cannot shop in grocery stores, fly, or enter any public buildings.

2020 is the year when 900 plus ordinary Americans were placed on a no-fly list because they refused to wear a mask.

2020 is the year when we lost our faith and our churches. The Corona-19 virus is very discriminatory—it can differentiate between rioting crowds, protesting crowds, and crowds in a theater or church.

2020 is the year we lost movie theaters, theaters in general, performance venues in parks and stadiums, and museums.

2020 is the year dominated by everything socialist and communist, supported by billionaires with money to burn and a wickedly Marxist agenda.

2020 is the year the Democrat Party became the Socialist Democrat Party of America

2020 is the year we lost law and order when political corruption and lawlessness had reached its zenith. Police were defunded in leftist towns and the population wondered why crime had skyrocketed.

2020 is the year when the only president in history had become the subject of impeachment days before he was even sworn in.

2020 is the year when a staged coup by our own government to remove a duly elected president from office has been unmasked but the culprits were never punished and are still in office doing harm to our country.

2020 is the year the Democrat Party became the Socialist Democrat Party of America, composed of all anti-Americans who wish to harm our country for political and financial gain.

2020 is the year when all civility and respect for authority, elders, and an elected office have died.

2020 is the year when the hatred from the left dominated domestic and international news.

2020 is the year when an innocent President that the left hates with an inexplicable and irrational fervor had been questioned, vilified, demonized, trashed, made fun of, threatened, and dragged into courts continuously. Experts have called this illness the Trump Derangement Syndrome which apparently has no cure. On November 3, a drug called Bidenol will be tested countrywide.

2020 is the year when President Trump has achieved more to further peace in the world and the Middle East than any other prior president. He was acquitted of the phony impeachment.



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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...