Saturday, August 29, 2020

Obama Makes Joe look like Road Kill with a knife in his back, BUT THE TRUTH HURTS

Barack Obama is supposed to be an amazingly, eloquent speaker. The liberal media always fawns all over him for his “stateliness” in his speeches.Well after four years out of office it seems like either Obama has lost his touch or he hates Biden so much he can’t keep his disdain for his former number two hidden.

To us it definitely looks like Obama just threw Biden under the bus!
Barack Obama recently threw his former number two under the bus by pointing out the Democratic party’s nominee for president has adopted radical left-wing policies.
“If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different, from a forty-thousand-foot level,” Obama said.
Although Obama’s remarks may have been well intended, there is no missing the meaning behind his words: Joe Biden has shifted his policies to the far left.
Obama’s statements detail that although the complicit media is painting Biden as a moderate, something Democrat voters have been very vocal about wanting as they repeatedly rejected the opportunity to nominate Bernie Sanders, in reality Biden is a far left progressive who has more in common with communists than average Americans.
Obama, recognizing he let the cat out of the bag, tried to explain away his gaffe, “What I think the moment has done is to change some of those calculations, not because necessarily Joe’s changed, but because circumstances have changed.”
Right, sure. Uh-huh.Biden, widely recognized as a corrupt Washington elite who helped line his family members’ pockets with foreign payoffs from Ukraine and China, has thrown in with so-called progressives. The policies Senator Sanders put forward would reportedly cost taxpayers upwards of $40 trillion in additional revenue.
Ouch. America, already stung by a second War on Terror against ISIS prompted by the failed Middle East policies of the Obama-Biden administration, has an unsustainable national debt load that exceeds $24 trillion.
Adding insult to injury, Biden has also adopted the anti-business policies of upstart New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). “I will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000,” Biden reportedly said. “Let me tell you why I’m going to do it. It’s about time they start paying a fair share of the economic responsibility we have. The very wealthy should pay a fair share — corporations should pay a fair share.”
Recent history proved this anti-American policy results in lower wages, fewer job opportunities, corporations moving overseas, and it leaves working families on the hook. These rank among the worst tax hikes that a Biden presidency would bring about.
  • Raise corporate tax by 7 percent to 28 percent, which would purge newly-minted jobs.
  • Implement a minimum corporate tax that would hamstring upstart companies.
  • Double the tax on foreign corporate subsidiaries that would prompt companies to incorporate overseas.
  • Institute a wealth tax on top earners, likely to result in them taking their money to another country.
  • Reinstitute the payroll tax on small businesses that Pres. Trump recently removed.
  • Eliminate tax itemization benefits that help businesses and working families.
  • Phase-out small business deductions that would make startup business success more difficult.
President Trump’s signature Tax Cuts & Jobs Act lowered taxes across the board in a move that sparked U.S. investment and resulted in historic low unemployment. As liberal extremists such as “Crazy” Bernie and AOC lead Biden by the nose, the robust economy everyday people enjoyed before the China virus hit will be lost.
In its place, liberal powerbrokers plan to push through a version of the Green New Deal that already caused Californians massive power blackouts and the highest taxes in the nation. The downward spiral suffered by residents in California serves as a dark example for the rest of the county should Biden win.
“The Democrats plan to completely take over American energy and completely destroy America’s economy through their Green New Deal,” Pres. Trump reportedly said.

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