Monday, December 3, 2018

When Obama became president, race became the major issue of the day

When Obama became president, race became the major issue of the day

When Obama became president, race became the major issue of the day. We went from relative racial peace to being told by a black president that we are a racist country. It is as if Obama tore the scab off a healing wound. We were reminded almost everyday from Obama and a compliant media that we needed to do penance for our sins.
Obama had it relatively easy. Our culture had already been sufficiently perverted with a Leftist internet, propagandized education system and a main stream news media that walked away from America and unbiased reporting. His slick demeanor, and well-delivered speeches further served his purpose…deception.
Any political observer who watches the main stream media knows that Trump is being sold as public enemy number one. President Trump wants a border wall to get a better handle on an immigration system out of control, preserve our sovereignty, and severely limit drugs coming into our country. This is a policy for a nation that wants to continue in prosperity, but the Democrats won’t have it. Unlike just a decade ago, they now see a political advantage in mass immigration and intend to take full advantage of the current culture disarray and chaos they have helped create. Aided by the likes of globalists George Soros and Barack Obama, who hope to see the United States collapse under its own weight of debt, they envision social justice, global governance, the end of national sovereignty…a socialist new world order…for all except them, of course. Barack Obama’s famous promise to transform America was no lie and the work continues.
Would global governance be achieved easier when dealing with weak and compliant nations rather than those that are rich and powerful? Was it Obama’s plan to cripple America by doubling its national debt, weaken its military, and further corrupting its culture? Can anyone doubt we have seen an accelerated culture decline in this country just in the past fifteen years? Was the master plan to have Hillary Clinton complete the preparation for America to receive socialism and achieve the ultimate end game…one world government?

Staff: Since Obama was president, race relations in America has only gotten worse.

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