Monday, December 3, 2018

Getting Tired

I'm one conservative is getting tired of Trump and some of the crap he does. Because of the fight with China which I understand, the Qualcomm deal passed away with the dutch company. Now the two parties (US/China) are being nice and China said it would reconsider allowing it to go through. 

A little late and Qualcomm said no thanks. I hope somewhere do the road China gets stuck somewhere for killing it to begin with. Why in the hell does China decide who can be bought and sold. Didn't realize they control that much and I guess what they can't steal makes them a little cranky. 

We the People need to do everything we can to NOT PURCHASE anything made in China.   

Next up, the WSJ suggested that Donnie now thinks we are spending too much on the military. Get real Donnie as during the election you stressed this and now you wish to back off. What happened to those big balls you have. Did Nancy take control of them after the beat down in congress. Tell the damn cabinets to find the fraud, waste, theft that is taking place and stop it. We the People have heard for decades about government waste but talk is cheap, SHOW ME as they say in Missouri and stop this crap.

Veto any and all bills that would increase pay pensions or any boost in healthcare for any member of government and that means congress also. 

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...