Monday, December 3, 2018

We are Losing America

The migrant invasion that has engulfed Europe is now attempting a replay in America. These past several years saw the European continent being inundated with migrants, mostly Muslim, military age males, people with no history or culture of democracy. They have turned European society upside down with massive crime, and culture chaos, at the same time bleeding the taxpayers with substantial social expenditures. In France there are separate Islamic societies, no-go zones where police will not enter, and Sharia law with all its brutality has displaced French law.
We are now witness to the same playbook in our own country, this time with migrants from Central and South America and probably other parts of the world as well. They are mostly military-age males with many robbing and stealing their way to the U.S., people with no history or concern for a stable democratic republic. Most of them know their basic needs will be taken care of, but without the opportunity to better themselves since they are illegal, they will probably be indigent indefinitely.
Who is behind this border crisis? What is their goal?
If our borders were to swing open as so many Democrats and globalists want, there would almost certainly be a mass exodus out of their respective countries into our country from all over the world in the tens if not hundreds of millions! The Mexican press is reporting that other caravans are forming which could mean an additional 20,000 people in Tijuana in a matter of weeks.
Did thousands of migrants, mixed in with criminals, get together and decide to walk 1,700 miles to the United States without enough food, water or support? Who is behind this border crisis? What is their goal?
Honduran President Juan Hernandez informed Vice President Pence that the caravan was organized by American leftist organizations like the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project. At least three of these organizations are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. It should be no surprise to anyone that George Soros is a globalist that wants to see the end of American sovereignty.
“We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.”—Statement by Council on Foreign Relations member James Warburg to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 2/17/1950

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing me and my family as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”David Rockefeller, ‘Memoirs’, 2002
Globalists are an elite group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation of a New World Order
Globalists are an elite group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation of a New World Order. They come from organizations like the UN, IMF, World Bank, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations like Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Their intention is to form a socialist one-world government, devoid of freedom and liberty, placing everyone under their control. They have been planning this for decades.
Before they can achieve their aims, they first must destroy any powerful nations that can tell the UN, the IMF or any other globalist organization to get lost. So, how do you destroy a nation, especially a powerful one that could thwart any plan of a one world government? You do it by pitting groups against each other, rich vs. poor, black vs. white, men vs. women, gay vs. straight, divide, divide. That is why open immigration is so important to the Left. The more people think of themselves as Hispanic, white, black, gay or Muslim, rather than American, the easier it will be to destroy the nation’s sovereignty and identity.
In 2008, racism was not an everyday conversation. For the most part, it was behind us. Comes Barack Obama, and unlike his friend Bill Ayers, who used bombs, Obama donned an expensive suit, took command of the main stream media, employed flowery language and then proceeded to fool millions of people. The Left repeated his rhetoric like social justice, hope and change, income equality, and universal healthcare to beguile and seduce the voters. Little did people know that what they were cheering was not Obama, the final proof of the end of our racial divide, but Obama the socialist and tool of the globalists. 

He was and is the 
"Manchurian Candidate".

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...