Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Obama the Man That HATES America the MOST

Some upcoming items that this piece of CRAP president is doing, has done or going to do.

Has anyone heard of the "Open Skies Treaty"? Read just this short line below and you won't believe your eyes.

Russia will formally ask the Open Skies Consultative Commission, based in Vienna, to be allowed to fly an aircraft equipped with high-tech sensors over the United States.

This one line was taken from an article I read about what this clown and killer Vlad Putin wanst to do and will be requesting. We need to break this treat to protect America and cease kissing this former KGB Agents ass. Only problem is this gutless, coward of a president people elected.

Why in the world would and did we ever agree to a treat such as this? Not sure but usually our beloved elected leaders vote for this nonsense and We the People pay the price. 

Next on the dumb ass things Obama the traitor is going to do is try to close the prison in Cuba. He made that promise to do so no matter what others who are much smarter than this community organizer about security say is the thing to do. His actions show how he doesn't give a damn about the American People, only the Muslims who wish to harm us. He has been kissing Muslim ass since elected. Remember him bowing to the King?  Do you remember when he was running for President no one could use his middle name? Now think back to when this traitor was sworn in? Yep, middle name was used at his request. Who did he spend time with as a child, Frank Davis, a well known Communists.

For the American soldier that risk his life for us, do what the South (Tiger) Korean troops did in Nam, Capture, Interrogate, Kill all enemies captured. So long as we allow enemies to return to the field of combat where they can kill more Americans because of some election promise made by a politician, leave the enemy died on the battle field. 

Some of the above may be very harsh but I don't care anymore when we have a president who cherish the enemy more then our own soldiers.

I chose American Soldiers and the safety of Americans over what this American Hater Wants.

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