Monday, July 16, 2012


Obama the asshole speaks again telling all the hard working Americans no matter the color of our skin we didn't build our own business. We built them without any help from this asshole or the government. The only thing we got from the government was higher taxes so they could piss our money away and give to to people who are to damn lazy to get off their fat asses to work.

I am sick to death of this asshole running down our country and the people who built it up without any help. This f--king community organizer has done nothing in his life except hang with radicals who want to bring the county down or follow the teaching of Frank Davis a self proclaimed communists. Think of the people this clown has called a friend. Remember Tony Rizko and the crook he was? Isn't he in prison now the same place this boy president should be?

We all need to remember one thing. This idiot we have for YOUR president hates the way American has been perceived by the world. The boy even bowed to the Mayor of Tampa among others. Now he is stating "We the People didn't and couldn't have got our business going without help from BIG F--KING BROTHER. To call him a morn would insult morons and there are plenty in Washington already and they reside in the Senate.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...