Sunday, July 22, 2012

Here We Go Again

The gun control nuts are coming out and will want more laws to restrict our right to have guns. I could say guns don't kill people but people kill people. That has been said so many times no one listens. Lets try this, our society kills people not guns.

Growing up in the 50's, 60's and 70's gun control was an after thought if ever talked about. Gun laws did not exist and there were very few school children killing each other or how many times did we hear about drive by shootings? Guns were everywhere in those times long gone. Mall shootings, theater shootings, school shootings did not happen and do you ever look back and wonder why? Very simple I think, society and the breakdown of the family along with the schools we have now.

So many families are single parent or at best both parents have to work and we leave the computer or TV to watch over and raise the last two generations. Schools, that has become a joke as the little darlings can and do anything they want. No discipline as the inmates now run the schools. A teacher is just as liable to be shot today as anyone on the street. We continue to increase spending for education and it continues to get worse. That is another subject but part of this problem.

Until our society decides it has hard enough of this killing and demands people are responsible for their actions, nothing will change. The time of liberal hand holding needs to end now or we all better start carrying guns for our protection. Yes I blame the liberals for a lot of this as now no one fails, everyone gets a trophy for failure in sports. We don't want to hurt their feelings.

The same people that want to take our guns are the ones who are causing this breakdown in society. Look back and see where the bleeding hearts started and you will see the breaking down of respect for one another.   

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