Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bill O'Reilly

He is an idiot tonight about gun laws and what he said showed just how ignorant he is at times. Making statements that you can buy Machine Guns, Bazookas, Mortars and the like over the net is not only stupid but shows how a supposed smart person can be really dumb at times. When he can't force a guest to his side he starts to raise his voice thinking that shows how smart he is. What it shows is a lack of control and he has become a loud mouth. Stay calm Willie and people may listen more.

None of the above items can be purchased over the net and should not. Many people purchase weapons such as a M15, AK47 and convert to full auto breaking the law doing so. Those that do and are caught should be placed in jail with an automatic sentence. This won't stop them but after a few are locked up for years it may help reduce those that do it.

If you want to purchase thousands of rounds of ammunition that should be legal and none of the business of anyone. Should big brother want to get involved in some larges purchases I am not sure that is all bad but at this time I would not wish to promote it. I think if you allow them to start checking on how many bullets you have where will it go from there.

You can't outlaw guns and think a nut job like the theater killer would be stopped is foolish at best. It could have been worse if he had sprayed gas in the entrances and started a fires. Do you think more would have died?

Until society changes and the family unit is restored, schools are once again allowed to teach what is right and what is wrong, nothing will change. Mom and Dad, do your damn job and raise kids that have respect for authority. We use to learn right and wrong at home, now we learn it on the net or a video game.


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