Monday, July 2, 2012

June 28th, 2012

Above is the day freedom and America died. We need a moment of silence and than rise up and take our government back. At this point it is now time to either vote the traitors to freedom out or maybe our time to use force is close at hand. I hope it never comes to this but very afraid it is. Congress doesn't have to use the same Health Insurance as we do so why would there care. These clowns pass laws they are allowed to ignore but We the People have to.

Time will determine if violence happens or not. Now these liars can do anything they want. They lie to us, steal  from us and fail to uphold the constitution as they are sworn to. Our government has become the enemy of freedom and now there is no government left. Remember the bitch Pelosi when she said they would have to read it to know what is in it? You dumb ass people voted this idiot in and keep doing so. Say a lot about Frisco doesn't it.

Obama the liar needs to go and who cares how.  Maybe a asteroid will fall from heaven and take care of it. Hope it is not against the law to think about the sky falling. This liar spoke often that the PENALTY was not a tax and all the time it was. This asshole now claims what a great victory it is. He's right as HIS type of socialist country is coming folks, Get ready for big f--king brother coming to your house. This has been slowly happening for over 40 yrs and this community organizer is completing the job of killing America as many of us knew. My father WAS a vet from WW2/Korea and told me this was going to happen over 40yrs ago. It is here now. Sorry Dad, nothing I could do. Ever feel like a frog in hot water? We the People are frogs.

9-20-2009 the date Obama the great liar claimed it WAS NOT A TAX. Lying son of a bitch and a bunch of dumb ass Americans voted him in. You all were warned about this clown, now you pay. Very glad my time is short and I have no intention to use government insurance. This will now prevent me from hiring for my business and I will be sure they are independent contractors if needed.

Well, we all have learned the court is now left and there is no one to protect the American people from a lying President and congress. As Roberts said, we can make the changes by voting them out.


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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...