Monday, January 18, 2010

Special Election in MA - Save America, vote Brown

This will be very short and to the point. Massachusetts has the opportunity to save America on January 19th from leaders that no longer listen to the American voters. Some polls show that over 60% of the people surveyed do not support the health care bill because no one knows what is in it. Our government is hiding behind closed doors, making deals that if made in the business sector would put people in jail to get votes.

"We the People" must stand up and take our country back from the politicians no matter what party they are in. This is OUR country and the voters in Massachusetts can strike the first blow for the American people. Your vote for Mr. Brown can force the politicians to FIX health care without destroying what we have now. People from all over the world come here to be healed, because we HAVE THE BEST CARE IN THE WORLD. Don't let a bunch of politicians ruin it. Remember, if it (health care) was so great THEY would want it also, they voted themselves exempt from it along with many of their union friends.

People of Massachusetts, vote now to save the dream that our founding fathers fought and died for.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...