Sunday, January 31, 2010

Abortion & Scott Brown

This is one subject that I have struggled with writing about for a long time as it hits close to home. I'll try to explain:

Many years ago my first marriage was ending and my wife at the time found out she was pregnant with our child. We had been trying for over a year and it just happened at this time. I found out after we were separated and she and her mother were in the process of getting an abortion without telling me about the baby. Well, I found out and then located where in Florida she was going. There weren't may locations in 1973 when it was done. She was using her maiden (KJR) name I guess hoping I wouldn't locate her. Needless to say I stopped it as the father had to sign and I threatened to sue the doctor.

She called after learning she couldn't proceed and made the following threat "You'll never see the baby or I'll go to a quack". In the state of mind I was in, I signed her papers to kill my child and I have lived with that everyday. My son or daughter would be about 37 today if I only was stronger then. If I had someone to talk to at that time to help me maybe my son or daughter would be here today.

Abortion is not the governments business or my neighbor, or my pastor, it is the two people who created life and their god. Government needs to butt out and so does everyone else.

After reading Scott Brown's position, I would agree with him in most areas. I wrote this to let people know that this is a very painful decision and those having to make this choice need to be left alone unless and until they ask for your opinion. The choice they make, may haunt them forever.

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