Monday, January 18, 2010

The French Need to Shut up and go away.

I am so sick of our country being criticized by a bunch of 2nd and 3rd rate countries who can't carry our jock strap. Without America these jokes of a country would be speaking German or Japanese now.

Does anyone remember us having to sink the French Fleet at the start of WWII? That is something I was never taught in school but learned from watching TV about this gutless bunch of wine drinkers. They made a deal with Nazi Germany to save there ass and it cost them their fleet after we sank it. Not until then did they decide to fight the Germans.

Yes they helped us in the the war of independence , but after that, they couldn't save their own butts. Now they complain we are in the way in Haiti. I think the time has come to no longer pay the majority of bills for the United Nations but all nations should pay the same. That means Russia, France, England, Italy, China, Saudi Arabia, and all the others pay the same. If they can't pay their own way, kick their butts out as the free ride is over.

Americans are tired of carrying your lazy ass and the buck has stopped.

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