Monday, January 11, 2010

Mark McGwier - Thanks But it Wasn't Needed by this Fan

As a young person growing up in the 50's and 60's I always looked up to baseball players because I was a young pitcher who wanted to play professional ball. My dream crashed with a torn ligament and life continued on. As I got older I learned some of the players took drugs to do better but no one spoke about it. Speed was the drug of choice then and many players took it. Some have spoken about it but they have not been punished or their records challenged.

Now we as a country want to punish some players for not telling us what they did. Quite frankly, it is not our business. I may be wrong but at the time they took steroids, it was not against the rules. It is now and should be. Try to remember what Sammy and Mark did for the game. Those two SAVED it and in a way we should thank them. Records, put an asterisk next to their names if we must but stop beating them up.

Mark was always a home run hitter, Sammy wasn't nor Bonds. Mark is a class person who can only do good for the sport and tell kids the damage drugs can do.

America, let it go. Roger and Hank have the records and will until we have a DRUG free person break them. I don't see that happening.

A Fan

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