Friday, November 28, 2008

You Voted them Back In, Don't Bitch

I have been unable to write now for a number of days due to the depression that has set in about the economy and what caused it. I listen to the Democrats blame everything on the Republicans and soon to be ex-president Bush.

Some Republicans and yes President Bush gets some blame for what has happened. Bush should have got on a soapbox and screamed about the sleazy ongoings at Fannie/Freddie but didn't. He kept quiet and said almost nothing about the problems that were building. Chuck Hagle knew what was coming and tried to get laws passed that would tighten the controls. John McCain signed on the the bill but very late in the process and didn't speak loud enough about the criminal activity. All the while Chuck Hagle was trying, senators and congressman where being lobbied by Fannie/Freddie to keep the status quo. Barney Frank, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, Barack H. Obama, and others never lifted a finger to rein in what was going on. The politicians (Democrats/Republicans) knew what was going own and allowed it to happen. Many of them even had the courage to get up on the house floor and praise what a good job Fannie/Freddie were doing. They also claimed the questioning of Fannie/Freddie leaders were racially based and had nothing to do with anything else. OUR GOVERNMENT turned a blind eye to the corruption that was happening.

They (our leaders) caused our economy to tank like it has and now "We the Stupid People" expect these seem leaders to fix the problem. Just how damn dumb are we to think the clowns that turned a blind eye to it before can help now.

The first bailout $700,000,000.00 billion was supposed to buy bad loans and then they added additional items such as Wooden Arrows, money for ACORN, and other items that had nothing to do with the mortgage industry. Can we spell PORK? Until WE stop them from wasting our money with earmarks for their private payoffs, nothing will change.

Unfortunately our elected senators and congressman become corrupt upon arriving in Washington and forget they were elected to work for us and the job they were elected to was only a temp job.

They (elected officials) are burying our country in debt that we will never get out of in my lifetime. How many of you voted for Obama knowing he was going to bury us in more debt then we can afford. Where does this stop?

It is too late for my company bailout and it has ruined not only my credit, but the credit of all my former employees. This can be directly traced the mortgage crisis and then to the financial industry which caused this all to happen. I have seen people who worked all their lives lose everything because of the governments inaction to control the mortgage industry. It was the governments job to oversee that industry and they didn't so "We the People" pay.

The ones who worked for Fannie and Freddie don't pay, they got payments in the millions while this was ongoing. They should be in jail for what they caused, instead they advised Barack Obama.

Well, the American people spoke at the last election and once again exhibited their stupidity by voting in the same people that allowed this to happen. For those 53% who did, don't bitch about what happens now, you voted them back.
For the people who had the good sense to try to change the government, work hard to replace people like Dodd, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the bums.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...