Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Freedoms are Disappearing

As our freedoms slowly disappear you would think Americans would stand up and say no more. Tell our elected officials to follow the constitution but we won't. We have become a growing group of sheep being slowly taken to slaughter.

We listen to elected people say they know how to spend our money better then we do, they know how to invest our 401K funds better then we do, they know what is better for us with our medical care and it continues on. The arrogance in Washington DC is disgusting and growing worse.

Bill Clinton made the comment about government knowing how to spend our money better, now Pelosi is doing the same. People wake up, it is OUR money not the governments.They don't spend our money, they just flush it it away and we better wake up. Government wants to change our medical care to a socialized type of care. Ask Canadians why so many come here for care. They come here because their medical system KILLS them by delaying needed tests and surgery.

This is the same government that took our social security money and put it into the general funds so they could spend more. Yes, this happened years ago and now we are going to pay. These are the same people who paid $250 for a Toilet Seat, $75.00 for a regular Hammer, and so on.

Our leaders are elected to do the will of the people but they do the will of SPECIAL INTEREST, UNIONS, FRIENDS, LOBBYIST and anyone else made a large contribution. We they people are being shortchanged by OUR elected officials as they take OUR Rights. Pelosi wants to hold congress behind closed doors as We the People don't need to know what they are doing.

We must watch and listen closely or we will be no better then Russians. They have some illusion of freedom and we are headed that way. When Freedom becomes the illusion, I hope the American people will raise up and take our country back. Some of our parents, grandfathers, brothers, husbands, sisters, and wives have died to keep our rights and freedom. Do not dishonor them.

Unknown American

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...