Thursday, November 13, 2008

Democrats to Vote No Drilling After Election

Well now the election is over, the liberal congress has now decided to tell the truth about oil drilling. Before the election they decided to not oppose opening up new areas for drilling and now the truth comes out. They did that for votes only and never had any intention to really do so. Watch Pelosi as she has been hiding her real intent. Remember, she knows what is best for this country, just ask her.

Gas is low now and they assume no one will speak up and say anything about their lies. As Boone Pickens states, "Do it All" (Oil, Solar, Natural Gas, Wind, etc.) and do it now. When gas get to $4.00+ again look to the democrats to do nothing but blame someone else for their screw up. Have you ever noticed how nothing is ever the democrats fault. Remember who assisted by there inaction the mortgage mess with Fannie/Freddie. Remember the names as they are still there and still sticking it tho ALL Americans, Obama, Dodd, Frank, Clinton, Kerry and others that would take to much space to list. Chuck Hagle (R) tried to get a bill passed and Fannie/Freddie turned loose their Lobbyists to stop it and it worked.

Stop the democrats and and keep the drilling open. We either pay now for letting then shut down where the oil is or we pay later. Later means we pay much much more and suffer once again as the economy tanks due to high gas prices.

Wake up folks or reach deep for more money to pay for the Democrats lies about drilling. If Clinton had signed the drilling bill while in office, it would have helped by now.

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