Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More on the Bailout

In watching the side show on TV today where the leaders of the small three were begging for money from "We the People" to bail our the unions and mismanagement. Listening to our political leaders was truly sad. I think the auto unions wrote some of the questions. Maybe puppets were standing in for the politicians but I didn't see any strings. No matter how much money we give them nothing will change. Until the unions are forced to rewrite their contracts and management is changed, they WILL be back asking for more money. Has everyone forgotten the auto makers have been in trouble for a number of years and GM has been the worst, always cutting this or that.

We need to let them go Chapter 11 and reorganize after the union contracts are broke. To think union members make over $70.00/hr in salary and benefits is truly sick. How many Americans would like to make half of that amount. I for one would love to make half that amount and I'll pay for my own health care.

Figure it up, if they work
40 hrs per week at $70/hr their gross (salary & benefits) amount will be:
$134,000/year salary & benefits.
Based on the above and remember this is low, does everyone now understand how salary and benefits have gotten out of hand. When I worked at Busch it was the same thing. Our salary, benefits and perks were out of site.
Research all auto makers and you will understand why American auto makers are having trouble. I vote no to a bail out and hope more Americans vote no and call their reps. to say so. Don't let the government waste more of our money as they are so very good at it.

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