Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s

Just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s

Just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s

fraudulently elected president and vice president, dictators, have become rulers of America. The two impostors are so unpopular that the Washington crime cartel had to call in the military to setup road blocks and check points around the capital. Even members of the military are being scrutinized as potential enemies of the state. Anyone trying to enter the capital must have identification papers - just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

I don’t like comparing what’s happening in the United States to what happened in Nazi Germany, but the similarities are too great to ignore. You don’t need legal identification to vote in elections anymore because elections are not decided by U.S. citizens anymore, and the 2020 election is proof of that. However, you had to have legal identification papers to enter the capital during the inauguration of two socialist puppets, installed by the international crime cartel.

Moreover, in Nazi Germany, the justice system was compromised and elections were rigged after socialists became the majority party - just like in America today. There was no separation of powers in Nazi Germany, and likewise, there’s no separation of powers in America today. The legislative branch (Congress), the judicial branch (court system) is under socialist control, and those two branches enabled socialists to take control of the executive branch by usurping and undermining the authority of the executive branch.

Democrat scabs that we call RINOs, the Mitt Romneys, synonymous with Benedict Arnolds, refused to stand up and support the president or the Constitution

For instance, in March of 2019, a federal judge, Sharon Gleason, used the power of the judicial branch to illegally block one of President Trump’s executive orders to allow offshore oil drilling. She did so because President Trump’s executive order altered an Obama executive order. She declared that President Trump does not have the authority to alter Obama’s executive orders, although President Trump was the legally elected executive and had the power to repeal or alter any E.O. by any past president.

According to Gleason, only Congress has the power to alter or change an Obama executive order (EO). For Gleason’s ruling to be constitutional, it would have to apply to all Executive Orders, not just Obama’s, and that means that every EO ever issued by past presidents, if not altered or repealed by Congress, is still in effect. That means Kennedy’s EO 11110, directing the Secretary of Treasury to issue silver certificates is still in force. That also means that Joe Biden can not alter any of President Trump’s Executive Orders.

However, Gleason did not have the power to block President Trump’s Executive Order, and it’s not within the power of the judicial branch to decide which executive orders are unalterable and irrevocable law. I was surprised when Gleason’s ruling was not immediately overturned by the supreme court. The supreme court should have stepped in and defended the Constitutional authority of the President, but they didn’t. By the way, neither did the Republican Party!

Moreover, Gleason’s ruling should have caused the entire Republican Party to rise up and support the President’s constitutional authority, but instead, the Democrat scabs that we call RINOs, the Mitt Romneys, synonymous with Benedict Arnolds, refused to stand up and support the president or the Constitution. Throughout the Trump administration federal judges blocked every Trump E.O. that hindered or reversed the socialist’s global agenda.

Democrat judges and politicians worked together, against a constitutionally elected President

For instance, another federal judge in Pennsylvania, US District Court Judge Wendy Beetlestone, blocked the Trump administration’s rule that would have allowed employers to deny free birth control benefits on religious and moral grounds. Her ruling made it clear that people do not have the right to freely practice their religion or morality, regardless of the Constitutional right to do so.

Furthermore, Democrat judges and politicians worked together, against a constitutionally elected President, to thwart his efforts to restore the people’s power over government. When a majority of Republicans refused to defend the President’s constitutional authority, I knew that the United States was no longer a Constitutional Republic. However, I held out hopes that the high court, often referred to as the supreme court, were patriotic and honorable; that they would honor the oath of office and defend and preserve the Constitution.

However, members of the court refused to! Members of the supreme court even refused to hear any of evidence of election fraud, and by doing so, refused to honor their oath of office “to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” This is the oath that every member of the court took:

“I, _________, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”


Supreme court still refused to hear any evidence of election fraud

Furthermore, dozens of observers came forward and reported election fraud in multiple states, and observers were thrown out of polling places. In addition, federal judges, governors, election officials and postmasters changed or altered election laws in violation of the Constitution, but the supreme court still refused to hear any evidence of election fraud even though the justice system itself interfered in the election by illegally altering election laws.

Article 1, section 4, of the United States Constitution states as follows: “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but Congress may at any time make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of chusing (choosing) Senators.”

Federal judges not only exercised executive power by overruling the President’s executive orders, they exercised the power of state legislatures by changing election laws, that they they had no power to alter. Federal judges and government officials defied the Constitution and denied the people’s Democratic right to elect their own leaders. They made America a phony Democracy.

As a result, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will become the socialist dictators that preside over the final destruction of the Constitution and the people’s rights under it. America will quickly become just like Nazi Germany. They want to take away your guns, your personal property, wealth, freedom and liberty. Papers please!

The Staff: Should this crap continue We the People must not allow our country to become Nazi Germany II and yet some are talking about Concentration Camps to re-educate people. Arm yourself and be ready to fight as the German people did not and millions died. Do I think some in Washington want to go that way, YES I DO.


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