Saturday, April 25, 2020

Michigan Democrats Just dumped a WOMEN who thanked President Trump for saving her life.

This is the Democratic Party of today. They are lower than a pigs belly and smell worse. What a LOW LIFE state when a women is not allowed to speak her mind without being punished for doing so. Where are all the liberal women now when they should be speaking up for this ladies right to speak with fear of this nonsense. 

ALL women in every state need to remember what has happen to this lady who had the courage to be honest in her opinion and speak her mind. This is a prime example of the liberal women's groups as they put tape on their collective mouths instead of defending this women and her right to speak without reprisal. 

She was asked about joining the Republican Party but she stated she is a Democrat and stay one. She is vanishing breed once know as a "Blue Dog" for being moderate in there views. The socialists wing of her party has taken over and many of their views will destroy this country. 


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