Saturday, October 8, 2016

Received from American WOMEN who Speak Their Minds

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”!          Remember that?        The presidential contest is now down to someone (Trump)  who says stupid things;   or someone (Hillary)  who’s actions  have proven over and over to be harmful to the American people.

First of all,  I love men…….many men that are  dynamic leaders have an abundance of ego, testosterone, daring, brag……that’s what drives them.
Here’s our choice:   Pick a proven leader, DONALD TRUMP,  who doesn’t hate women as Hillary says…..but likes them A LITTLE TOO MUCH!   He has a proven success record that will get our country on the best track to recovery.  

    Pick, HILLARY CLINTON, a proven liar over and over again that want’s OPEN BORDERS, UNEVEN TRADE DEALS, LIBERAL SUPREME COURT,  NO JOBS, AND DEBT…..that will keep us on the same track to ruin.     If she sold the office of SECRETARY OF STATE to foreign leaders…….what makes you think she won’t  sell the WHITE HOUSE?   

An American Women Speaks

Its not that we wouldn't love to have the perfect southern gentleman as our president...but those of us with traditional values are VICTIMS of the culture war...and we are realists and don't suffer from high expectation syndrome.

Bill Clinton....suffers a Sex Addiction
Dwight Eisenhower (my hero as a child)...had a mistress for many, many years.
Herbert Walker Bush...supposedly had an affair when stationed in Europe.
Richard Nixon: verbally abusive, maybe more, to Pat.
Martin Luther King: another serial adulterer.

So...WHY WOULD WE the VOTER expect any more from Donald Trump?  

We don't like what he said...BUT WE DON'T CARE if he can LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO SOMETHING THAT ISN"T CORRUPT.  The crowning blow for us was the corruption of our JUSTICE SYSTEM.  America is supposed to have EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL UNDER THE LAW.  Our institutions have been corrupted by people who have never worked hard, employed individuals from their own pocket (as opposed to govt payroll), or been responsible or liable for the welfare of people and their families.

Another American Women Speaks UP

The Staff: I wish to thank two women who speak and tell the truth about many of our former leaders.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...