Saturday, October 8, 2016

More Cowards

I am refering to many of our elected officials who are running away from Trump. Yes he speaks in a terrible manner about women and I have heard the same in many locker rooms, on golf courses, and various places. What people don't seem to understand is this male crap and not sure why some men do. TALK TALK and it makes them feel more like a man. What they don't understand is it doesn't but only makes then look small and like an ass.

By not voting for Trump it is certain to elect Hillary and I'm sorry folks, our country will no l longer exists as we grew up knowing if this happens. During the last four years it has gone from pretty bad to almost beyond repair. If this piece of work Hillary gets in we may as well remove the Boarder Patrol as she wants Open Boarders allowing anyone to come in so America will then only be a distant memory. We may as well remove the term "United States of America" as that will no longer be correct nor united. I hope some states withdraw and seek to become their own country so some form of American Freedoms will remain under a different name. Should that happen, I will move there as the USA as I have know will be died.

Better start hoarding Silver, Gold, or anything but US currency as it will become worthless except for toilet paper. Canadian dollars will be something to keep as they want a boarder which is something the liar Hillary does not. Our elected officials are mostly concerned about what they can get for themselves but not us. They pass laws they don't have to follow. Hillary will only make it worse and these gutless Republicans jumping ship should not be REELECTED and if that means the senate and house go Democratic, so be it. To hell with them.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...