Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Story Tellers

Wasserman-Schultz – Is this women Hugo’s Sister?
Nancy Pelosi – Is this women Hugo’s Mother?
Maurice Hinchey – Is this man related to Hugo?

Listening to the dribble from these three shows how out of touch they really are with the American people. The story telling about oil and how it all the fault of the evil republicans is just wonderful. You would think these people were having been on another plant for years.

Over 70% of the American voters want the congress to allow drilling offshore and Alaska so we are no longer subject to high oil prices. Somehow in their own little world they (congress) believe they know what is best for ALL Americans. Remember Nancy saying she is Saving US. I don’t need saving from some lib who is out of touch with the average person. Somehow they have forgotten they work for US and are not some almighty gods that dictate to us what is right and wrong. They remind me of the time Clinton made the statement about us (the average person) not knowing how to spend our own money and Washington could do a better job.

We have put up with the libs and there arrogance long enough as to how we should conduct ourselves. Now we are paying the price for allowing them (libs & environmental wackos) to control this country. No (within 50 miles of coast) drilling, no refineries, reduce coal use, use only solar, wind and other energy programs that are not ready to power our country. To tell us that we can’t drill for oil now is just another story they are telling and it is being done without moving their lips. Makes you wonder what lips are moving??????????????????

D. Walker

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...