Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama the Double Talker

Sitting here listening to him talk is like listening to a man that has no idea what to say without a script. He has been talking now for 10 minutes and has said nothing that we already don't know. Some of his ideas are years old and we have all heard it before. Tax reform, lower taxes for the middle class, stick the big oil companies with more taxes, and yet I hear nothing about stopping wasteful spending by government.

This mess has been created by the Dems. in office and years of them burying their heads in the sand while their buddies have been getting rich. Fannie/Freddie, look at who was receiving the majority of funds, Dodd and Obama were the top two. When Paulison stated that congress was at fault, he was dead on and they hated hearing it. Additionally, when the head of these companies were cooking the books to get a bonus and where was congress? Dodd and Barack Hussein Obama had gotten the largest donations and they were supposed to protect our interest, not hardly. The boys are owned by whoever gives them the most and it makes no difference if Republican or Democrat. Just look at Obamas past history and who he protected after getting political donations. Does the Chicago Political machine sound familiar?

Our loan mess was caused by greed, loans made to people who shouldn't have had them to begin with. Why should we bail them out? I once managed a finance company and anyone with an ounce of sense knows loans can not be made without verifiable income. Why should we be surprised to find they can't make payments with raising interest rates?

To all the companies that made these loans, I say goodbye as you need to go under. For those that made loans knowing those people couldn't make payments, you should be in jail or on the way.

D. Walker

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...