Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the Root - Another Mouth Opens

Found a site called "the Root" today and here is another example of the double standard from a lib writer. They are already writing about Republican Operatives that have been sent out doing terrible thing to poor Obama and his legion of voters. One of the first items to appear is to Challenge Voters list. Didn't Obama do the same thing in IL to get elected? Seems he had his "Operatives" challenge list of ALL his opponents until enough had been removed he faced no competition to be elected.

Does the name"ACORN" ring any bells about voter fraud? Seems I remember the Messiah working with or for them at one time. The stink of dirty politics is stuck to Obama and try as they might, it won't go away. ACORN is the leader in voter fraud and a strong supporter of Obama the Messiah. The Messiah part is a joke but do some reading about the man of no change (Obama) and you will see what you think your getting isn't there.

The man is a fraud, wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass, and political opportunist. People love him as he is a very good reader, notice I didn't say speaker as he isn't that. He can read a monitor better then anyone before him but he can't think on his feet to save his life.

When will America wake and see he is a hollow politican who voted present while serving in IL, accepted help from crooked politicans in Chicago, and only dumps them after being into the light so all American can see.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...