Wednesday, July 10, 2019


President Trump should CEASE all sports invites no matter what team and what players. After all the nonsense he has gotten from the various sports figures I wouldn't invite another one. All players have the right to NOT attend and say what they wish. 

It is sad so many don't realize he may not be your cup of tea but he HAS shaken up a crooked government located in Washington DC. 

I for one has still never given Baseball another look after they went on strike and caused the World Series to be canceled. Seems these boys of baseball are PLAYING A DAMN GAME and make millions to do so. They need to get real jobs if that is so bad. 

As far as the difference in pay for male and female soccer players, the women should get the same pay and if that means the men get cut, so be it. Must be equal for both and until it is, the women should boycott and I would support that.

All baseball, football, tennis and soccer players can speak but it may not be the best for their sport. Have a great niece who was an outstanding college soccer player and this political nonsense has turned me off to ever watching soccer just as I did baseball when the spoiled boys went on strike. Was time to move on from them as I have for soccer. Folks watch and support various sports and don't want a bunch of political crap. 


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...