Wednesday, July 10, 2019


What a flaming idiot as this question about being a citizen until Obama decided to remove the question. Who agreed to let him do so and as that was allowed, why can't President Trump put it back? 

As Obama is now gone it is time to do what has been done for a hundred years. Why is it ok for Obama do whatever he wanted and the democrats did nothing to protect illegal people from entering so they can get their votes. Just because he was the first so-called black president doesn't mean he gets to do whatever and we have to keep his screwed up ideas. 

As Pelosi wants to make America open to all non residents to everything, medical, driving rights even though they can't read the damn signs or pass a driving test unless it is written in whatever language they know. This is American and not Cuba, Mexico, or any other country. Learn to speak our language and then come into our country the legal way.   

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...