Monday, July 15, 2019

The Four Liberals

Liars all as they wouldn't know the truth if it bit their ass. Omar is the worst as she needs to go back to her country. I do agree with Trump on this but, he should have kept his opinion to himself. She hates Jews and as a Muslim, she wants ALL Jews dead per her religion along with Christians unless we give up our beliefs and convert. 

Who cares what these four liberals have to say as I didn't vote for them and never would have as they HATE American and our history which is no longer taught. They have changed our history to fit what they want, not what they know to be correct. 

AOC is another person who hates America as it is and so much of the hate taking place can be placed at Obamas feet. Race relations were much better before him and were going in the right direction. Now, all hope for kindness in our country is at risk due to people like these four mouths.  

Fox News played only a part of what Trump said and now we have this crap. As Fox News can no longer be fair and play the WHOLE comment by Trump, I will cut way back watching and go elsewhere. Fox News is becoming like ABC and the others.

Omar claims she's says thing because of the love for our country. What crap and of course many will forget what she has said and feel bad for her. 

AOC operates to get in front of the camera and we need to remember she came out of collage with a degree as an Economists and couldn't get a job except at a Bar. Now she is in congress where you don't have to be smart.

I hope the democrats do Impeach him (Trump) as it will be great for moderates/conservatives and finish the democrat party.

Economy better, military stronger, higher wages, higher IRA for those who have and lowest unemployment.  Too bad TRUMP is doing such a bad job.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...