Monday, June 29, 2015


I wish most Americans understood why Lincoln went to war with the South and it was not over slavery as many are told. If I remember it was over the states seceding from the union and not slavery although it may have played a large part, the breakup was the main factor. I like to believe in time Slavery would have ceased without a fight. Everyone needs to remember and many blacks need to realize that a large number of slaves were sold by other blacks in Africa and brought to this country. Yes some whites also sold Africans but many were sold by there own people.

Unfortunately some and I regret to say a lot of southerners have taken the Confederate Battle flag and used it to incite black Americans. If the ones doing so weren't so damn stupid about American history and maybe if the facts were taught in school, the flag would be just a battle flag of the southern army.

If South Carolina has a problem it is having a statue of a Slave Trader in the State Capital not the flag. There will always be someone who has hate in the mind for one reason or another.  

I was raised not to see color and Obama has made race in our country far worse then ever. Sometimes I believe it was his intent to make race relations worse and I wish to advise him, he has succeeded in doing so. Maybe the next president and help as the way we are going is not helping us but only making a great divide in our country.  

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